Monday, January 19, 2009

when you're feeling uncreative....

+ Daily Monster by Stefan Bucher. Amazing time lapse videos of Stefan Bucher's 100 Monster project, where he draws monsters from an initial start of a random inkspray. It's fun to watch these delightful little creatures come into being. Relatedly, his main website is at 344 Design, and I definitely encourage you to go check it out. In addition to having more of his fantastic work (and being a nifty little site), it demonstrates his philosophy towards life and art. Really inspirational. From his FAQ for students:

My advice is two-fold. As a designer, as a human being, no matter what age you are, you have to do two things:



That's all there is to it.

I know this answer is shorter than the others, but if you remember anything I talked about , this is the one to tattoo where you can easily see it. If you follow these two directions, you'll never be hungry or alone.

+ Olly Moss. Lovelovelove his illustrations. He also has this fantastic movie poster series that I thoroughly recommend. For me, personally, there's an extra push whenever I look at his stuff, because he was born the year before me. So it's incentive to be better, to improve.

+ Books I Read And Books I Make. This blog hits all of my little language-nerd buttons. The lady, being a book maker herself, links to a variety of book and drawing related cool things. For example, check out this incredible entry on papercutting. Without exaggeration, I was genuinely breathless looking through those links. Even just glancing at them now, I am filled with the fluttery urge to try my hand at book making, at papercutting, at this incredible artform. I'm having some difficulty typing this, from the sheer desire to just put my arms up and flail them about in glee.

+ Dude A Day. The style! The sheer amount of character in each drawing! Aggh! Love it.

And finally:

+ Robot a Day. Charming variations on a little robot. I'm particularly fond of Sensitive Sweater Guy Bot for its labeling under "myths," Spaghetti Monster Bot for its description, and pretty much all of the mood bots (I definitely laughed aloud at Existentialist Bot). They just make me smile and, really, that's all a person could wish for.

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