Sunday, February 1, 2009


Got through a rough week. Took some time this weekend to sit down and doodle.

[Doodle 1]

[Doodle 2]

I wish I had a third image, just to balance everything out, but I don't. That time went to finishing Memory, the eighth (or something) book in Lois McMaster Bujold's Vorkosigan series. Memory is probably my favorite so far, but I'll hold out on the review until I have the time to discuss the series as a whole. I will say this though: I haven't been this involved in a book series since Terry Goodkind broke my fantasy loving heart with his philosophic diatribe Faith of the Fallen. (To be fair, I did later succumb to a coworker's enthusiasm for the series and finished it. That was a trip. I read the final trilogy in two days and walked around in an objectivist daze for the rest of the weekend.)

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