Saturday, October 18, 2008

And also...

Jacks of Science - Unintentionally Inappropriate Science Papers

The Annals of Improbably Research are always a great source of laughs. Most of which are comedic in a sad way because somehow scientists are getting research grants for absurd things like pouring out caffienated beverages on stuff when you are a poor student surviving mostly on a diet of caffienated beverages.

However, there exists another rare specimen of comedy in scientific literature: unintentional innuendo. To appreciate this low-brow/high-brow LOL-mashup, it helps to fall into a sweet spot of ignorance wherein you don't quite know the definition of a particular term in the given context, but you confide in the fact that the research is peer-reviewed so you know it can't be as it sounds!

Teehee. Surprises in viscous fingering.

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