Thursday, July 10, 2008

Things I've learned today

+ When I grow up, I want to be Raymond Kurzweil. Not because I take pride in my ability to predict things or because I want to be wildly successful in all aspects of my life, but because I want my wikipedia article to be half as amazing as his. No, seriously, when I say things like "centuries hence," people give me strange looks, not awards. That should change. [wikipedia, science]

+ Being too fat 'can damage sperm.' (And also, searching for "obese men" on BBC is incredibly depressing.) The article itself is interesting, but what caught my attention was this bit towards the end:

Dr Ian Campbell, chair of the charity Weight Concern, said it was known that overweight people had a tendency to have fewer children.

He said there had been a suspicion that was mainly due to lack of opportunity.

Ouch. [BBC news science]

+ Most importantly, this life tip: If you're trying to find a video rental place that you've never been to before, bring directions or a sturdy umbrella. Both would be optimal, but, in case of emergency, that one or the other will improve prospects and morale considerably.

This lesson was learned on an epic quest to get a movie. Ryan and I walked approximately three and a half miles to get to a video store located half a mile away. Three and a half miles in the rain with only a sad, sagging umbrella between us and true misery.

On the plus side, we eventually triumphed and celebrated with an excellent dinner at the inimitable Hamburger Mary's. I'd say lesson learned, but, knowing us, it'll probably happen again at a different stop. Between the two of us, I'd say we have enough character for a third. [real life]

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